What should I bring to clinic?
Dress for the weather. Tennis racquet, sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, sneakers and socks. Sneakers with laces or straps work best. Please no crocs or flip flops. Please bring a water bottle they can take onto the court. Parents may want to bring along a lawn chair.
Please do not bring sports drinks, juice, or snacks onto the courts. This will minimize our sticky spills and bees.
What if I do not own a tennis racquet?
If your child's racquet has broken strings, is too small or too big, or you're not sure, we can help. We have some racquets available for loan for a session. We can help size your child to the right size racquet and direct you to the right racquet. For adults, we can help guide your decision as well, but do not have the same number of loaners.
Do I have to stay with my child during the clinic?
Our preference is not to allow younger players to leave the courts during clinics for restrooms unless they are leaving into the hands of parents or a designated caretaker. Some parents with older children have left to run errands, but please be aware we cannot allow your children to leave the courts unless there is a parent or designated individual who will accompany them. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
What if my child has a conflict with a session?
We would love to accommodate every request for conflicts, but the tennis program has reached a size where making accommodations has become too much of a logistical burden. The sheer volume of players and staffing needs required make it impossible to allow individuals to come at different times for conflicts with school, other sports, illnesses, holidays, etc. Please note: we are unable to grant makeups for participants’ conflicts. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
What if we are dealing with rain or inclement weather?
Please check our Facebook page to see if we are having clinics or relocations due to weather, even if it has rained recently or is drizzling. Some of our sites have courts that can dry much faster others. We will always try to get clinics in, but instructor and participant safety is paramount. Updates will made as soon as we know how we are proceeding.
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What can I do with children who aren't participating?
Our first response would be, let's get them on the court. Many age groups run simultaneously and we would love to get them on the court with us. If that isn't an option, please keep children not participating with you. Most of our sites aren't designed to have screaming kids running around their facilities. The only children on any of the courts should be the ones participating in clinics. We cannot allow children to play on empty courts.
While I think my kids use them too much, let me highly encourage you to consider whatever electronic devices may be handy to keep any kids not participating entertained, or better yet have them read a book.
How about pets?
Man’s best friend is not on the tennis guest list at most of our sites. Thanks for leaving them home and we'd be happy to give you an old ball for them to play with when you get there.